Saturday, May 23, 2020
The House of Atreus in Classical Greek Tragedy
Today we are so familiar with plays and movies that it may be difficult to imagine a time when theatrical productions were still new. Like many of the public gatherings in the ancient world, the original productions in Greek theaters were rooted in religion. The City Dionysia Festival It didnt matter that they already knew how the story ended. Athenian audiences of up to 18,000 spectators expected to watch familiar old stories when they attended the Great or City Dionysia festival in March. It was the job of the playwright to interpret familiar myth, slices (temache) from the great banquets of Homer, in such a way as to win the dramatic contest that was the center of the festival. Tragedy lacks a spirit of revelry, so each of 3 competing playwrights produced a lighter, farcical satyr play in addition to three tragedies. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the three tragedians whose works survive, won first prizes between 480 B.C. and the end of the 5th century. All three wrote plays that depended on thorough familiarity with a central myth, the House of Atreus: Aeschylus Agamemnon, Libation Bearers (Choephoroi), and EumenidesSophocles ElectraEuripides ElectraEuripides OrestesEuripides Iphigenia in Aulis The House of Atreus For generations, these god-defying descendants of Tantalus committed unspeakable crimes that cried out for revenge: brother against brother, father against son, father against daughter, son against mother. It all began with Tantalusâ€â€whose name is preserved in the English word tantalize, which describes the punishment he suffered in the Underworld. Tantalus served up his son Pelops as a meal to the gods to test their omniscience. Demeter alone failed the test and so when Pelops was restored to life, he had to make do with an ivory shoulder. The sister of Pelops happens to have been Niobe who was turned to a weeping rock when her hubris led to the death of all 14 of her children. When it came time for Pelops to marry, he chose Hippodamia, the daughter of Oenomaus, king of Pisa (near the site of the future ancient Olympics). Unfortunately, the king lusted after his own daughter and contrived to murder all her more appropriate suitors during a (fixed) race. Pelops had to win this race to Mt. Olympus in order to win his bride, and he didâ€â€by loosening the lynchpins in Oenomaus chariot, thereby killing his would-be father-in-law. In the process, he added more curses to the family inheritance. Pelops and Hippodamia had two sons, Thyestes and Atreus, who murdered an illegitimate son of Pelops to please their mother. Then they went into exile in Mycenae, where their brother-in-law held the throne. When he died, Atreus finagled control of the kingdom, but Thyestes seduced Atreus wife, Aerope, and stole Atreus golden fleece. Thyestes went into exile, again. Eventually, believing himself forgiven, he returned and ate the meal to which his brother had invited him. When the final course was brought in, the identity of Thyestes meal was revealed, for the platter contained the heads of all his children except the infant, Aegisthus. Adding another creepy element to the mix, Aegisthus may have been Thyestes son by his own daughter. Thyestes cursed his brother and fled. The Next Generation Atreus had two sons, Menelaus and Agamemnon, who married the royal Spartan sisters, Helen and Clytemnestra. Helen was captured by Paris (or left willingly), thereby starting the Trojan War. Unfortunately, the king of Mycenae, Agamemnon, and the cuckolded king of Sparta, Menelaus, couldnt get the warships moving across the Aegean. They were stuck at Aulis because of adverse winds. Their seer explained that Agamemnon had offended Artemis and must sacrifice his daughter to propitiate the deity. Agamemnon was willing, but his wife wasnt, so he had to trick her into sending their daughter Iphigenia, whom he then sacrificed to the goddess. After the sacrifice, the winds came up and the ships sailed to Troy. The war lasted 10 years during which time Clytemnestra took a lover, Aegisthus, the lone survivor of Atreus feast, and sent her son, Orestes, away. Agamemnon took a war prize mistress, as well, Cassandra, whom he brought home with him at the end of the war. Cassandra and Agamemnon were murdered upon their return by either Clytemnestra or Aegisthus. Orestes, having first obtained the blessing of Apollo, returned home to exact revenge on his mother. But the Eumenides (Furies)â€â€only doing their job with respect to a matricideâ€â€pursued Orestes and drove him mad. Orestes and his divine protector turned to Athena to arbitrate the dispute. Athena appealed to a human court, the Areopagus, whose jurors were split. Athena cast the deciding vote in favor of Orestes. This decision is upsetting to modern women because Athena, who had been born from the head of her father, judged mothers less important than fathers in the production of children. However we might feel about it, what was important was that it put an end to the chain of cursed events.
Monday, May 18, 2020
7 Secrets to Success in English 101
Welcome to English 101â€â€sometimes called freshman English or college composition. Its the one course that almost every first-year student in every American college and university is required to take. And it should be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding courses in your college life. But to succeed in anything, it helps to be prepared. Heres how to best prepare for English 101. 1. Know Your Writing Handbookand Use It Many instructors of freshman English assign two textbooks: a reader (that is, a collection of essays or literary works) and a writing handbook. Early in the term, make friends with the handbook: it can answer most of your questions about planning, drafting, revising, and editing an essay. Open your handbook to the section titled How to Use This Book. Find out how to locate information by using menus and checklists (usually printed on the inside covers) along with the books index and table of contents. Also find the glossary of usage and the guides to documentation (both are usually near the back). After you have spent 10 to 15 minutes learning how to find information in the handbook, youre ready to put the book to useâ€â€not only when youre editing your work but also when youre trying to focus a topic, organize a paragraph, or revise an essay. Your handbook should soon become a dependable reference work, one that youll want to hold on to after youve passed this composition course. 2. Read Twice: Once for Pleasure, Once for Facts As for that other textbook, the collection of essays or literary works, above all else get ready to enjoy the readings. Whether the topic is a current controversy or an ancient myth, keep in mind that your instructors want to share with you their love of readingâ€â€not punish you (and themselves) with texts that nobody cares about. Whenever youre assigned an essay or a story, get in the habit of reading it at least twice: the first time through simply for enjoyment; the second time with a pen in hand to take notes that will help you remember what you have read. Then, when it comes time to discuss the work in class, speak up and share your thoughts. After all, sharing ideas is what college is all about. 3. Use Your College Writing Center For many college students, the most welcoming spot on campus is the writing center (sometimes called a writing lab). Its a place where trained tutors offer individual assistance on all aspects of the composing process. Never feel embarrassed about visiting the writing center. Believe me, its not the place where dummies go. Just the opposite: its where highly motivated students go for help in organizing essays, formatting bibliographies, mending run-on sentences, and much more. If your college doesnt have a writing center or if youre enrolled in an online composition class, you can still take advantage of at least some of the services of a writing center. 4. Review the Basic Grammatical Structures and Terms Instructors of freshman composition expect you to arrive in their classes with some understanding of basic English grammar and usage. However, if your high school English classes focused more on reading literature than on composing essays, your memory of sentence parts may be a bit hazy. It would be smart then to spend an hour or so at the start of term reviewing the basics of grammar. 5. Prepare to Move Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay Odds are good that you already know how to compose a five-paragraph essay: introduction, three body paragraphs, conclusion. In fact, you probably composed one or two of these short essays as part of the admissions process at your college or university. Now, be prepared in your college English class to go beyond the simple formula of the five-paragraph essay. Building on familiar principles (regarding thesis statements and topic sentences, for example), you will have opportunities to compose longer essays using a variety of organizational methods. Dont be intimidated by these longer assignmentsâ€â€and dont feel that you have to toss out all that you already know about composing essays. Build on your experience, and get ready for fresh challenges. Come to think of it, thats also what college is all about! 6. Use Online Resources Wisely Though your textbooks should keep you pretty busy, at times you may find it helpful to supplement them with online resources. Your first stop should be the website that your instructor or the publisher of your handbook has prepared. There youre likely to find exercises to help you develop particular writing skills along with examples of different writing projects. 7. Dont Plagiarize! Finally, a word of warning. On the web, youll find plenty of sites offering to sell you essays. If youre ever tempted to rely on one of these sites, please resist the urge. Submitting work thats not your own is called plagiarism, a nasty form of cheating. And in most colleges and universities, students face major penalties for cheatingâ€â€penalties far more serious than receiving a low grade on a hastily written paper.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Violent Video Games Dont Lead to Increases In Violent...
A young, blonde woman stands with her fists raised. She shifts her weight back and forth, staying in constant motion. Her jaw is set and her blue eyes dangerous. She faces her opponent with no fear. Her fellow combatant is a skilled warrior and a member of a Shirai Ryu clan. He’s spent years mastering his own special style of martial arts. The woman observes him carefully. He’s muscular and, no doubt, fast. She cannot see most of his face, as a gold and black mask obscures it, but she can see his eyes. They’re merciless. She eyes the harpoon at his hip. He’ll probably go for that first and try to stun her with it. The cue is given and, sure enough, he grabbed his harpoon and aimed it at her, snarling, â€Å"Get over here!†She’d anticipated†¦show more content†¦Game makers have ratings on the games to warn players (or parents buying the game) what exactly they’re getting into. It’s up to parents - and parent’s a lone - to decide what is or isn’t too violent. While anchormen and angry parents point fingers at video games for the source of all aggression in youth, studies show that the amount aggression video games cause is actually quite low. Christofer Ferguson, an associate professor at Texas AM, studied video game violence and aggression in youth. He discovered that the effects the games had were â€Å"generally very low†and people were â€Å"overestimating the influence of violent games on aggression.†( Jayson 3.) Instead, the main source of aggression was among peers, natural personality traits, mental disorders and, of all places, the home. Family life plays a huge part in a child’s behavior and while a violent game may add to aggression, it is not the main source and should not be to blame. For most, video games are relaxing. Eric Beaudoin, a twenty five year old graduate student in psychology says that he plays to relax and forget about his â€Å"dissertation, practicum, and clients and shoot so me monsters.†(Jayson 2.) Gaming, no matter how violent, relaxes him enough so that he may deal with the people he faces everyday. However, it can be agreed upon by both sides of the argument that certain games are not healthy for certain age groups. A seven year old shouldShow MoreRelated Video Games Violence Essay1580 Words  | 7 Pageschild has played video games once in their lives. There are various genres and types of video games such as action, first person shooters, adventure, education, role-playing, strategy, and many more. 89% of video games contain some violent content (Slife, 2008). The most addictive, common, and popular video games among children are the violent video games (Slife, 2008). A lot of video games these days depict â€Å"real-life violence†meaning that the settings and plots of these video games are taken fromRead MoreEssay on Do Video Games Cause Behavior Problem1448 Words  | 6 PagesMr. Osso March 9, 2011 Do Video Games Cause Behavior Problems? Video games do cause aggression. The most games that cause aggression is games rating with M for mature games. About 90 percent of U.S kids from ages 8 to 17 play video games usually show more aggression after play a violent video games. Everyday odds are you are going to have more aggression while playing a violent video game with the Rating M for mature or higher. Even though video games are a big part in teens. Some parentsRead MoreThe Effects of Violent Video Games on the Young1575 Words  | 6 Pageslike the bad reputation rock and roll music received in the 1950’s, violent video games have been questioned and looked down upon as a newer form of influential media. Violent video games have been blamed for bullying, school shootings, increasing rape, and increasing the amount of women being abused. Despite the popular belief that video games can be very harmful to a child’s mind and cause violent behavior, video games don’t cause as much psychological da mage to children as people have been tryingRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On The Media1550 Words  | 7 Pagesdoes, and how it does not, affect our society. Many people claim watching television or even playing video games will affect children’s or young adults’ minds. Researches claim that they found no evidence of change in aggressiveness in children or young adults while playing video games. Researchers allowed children that had been diagnosed with disruptive behavior disorder and to play violent video games and found no change in pattern when or even after these children played. This study measured activityRead MoreViolent Video Games Lead to Violence Essay1175 Words  | 5 Pagesbecoming more violent. Some worry that certain aspects of our technology, including the intenseness of violent video games, are affecting the violence among America’s youth, while others don’t see this as an issue at all. A study done in 2004, Factors Correlated with Violent Video Games Use by Adolescent Boys and Girls, reported that boys in grades seventh and eighth played violent video games to either release their anger or help them relax. According to the suggestion that video games act as a stressRead MoreMultimedia Violence : A Grave Threat Of Teens Of The New Generation. Craig A. Anderson1585 Words  | 7 Pagessaying, â€Å"Exposing children and adolescents (or â⠂¬Ëœyouth’) to violent visual media increases the likelihood that they will engage in physical aggression against another person. By ‘physical aggression’ we mean behavior that is intended to harm another person physically, such as hitting with a fist or some object. A single brief exposure to violent media can increase aggression in the immediate situation. The repeated exposure leads to general increases in aggressiveness over time (â€Å"Quotes: Media Violence†)Read MoreIs There Too Much Violence On Television, Movies, And Computer Games1011 Words  | 5 Pagestelevision, movies, computer/video games? This question is increasingly heated debates in over the years. As the high technology in today’s world, movies and computer games are more realistic and sophisticated. The main consumers of these violent movies and computer games are children and teens around seven to twenty. Even some adults also play these violent computer games, but they donà ¢â‚¬â„¢t have much time for it because they have to go to work. These violent computer games and movies are related to bloodRead MoreThe Effects of Video Games on Violence1642 Words  | 7 PagesVideo game violence has remained a controversy for numerous years. With the advancement of technology, video games have progressed in its practicality and genres. Technology has allowed video games to become very sophisticated and lifelike. This development has brought video games to a multi-billion dollar industry. Nevertheless, with the level of practicality, there are also negative affects to humanity. Since the manufacture of violent video games, there has been a constant quarrel whether or notRead MoreThe Effect Of Video Games992 Words  | 4 PagesThe Effect of Video Games â€Å"In 1972, the Surgeon General issued the following warning on violent TV programs: â€Å"It is clear to me that the causal relationship between televised violence and antisocial behavior is sufficient to warrant appropriate and immediate remedial action. †¦ There comes a time when the data are sufficient to justify action. That time has come.††(Steinfeld, 1972). In the decades since hundreds of studies have been done on the effects of violent media exposure and violence. Read MoreMass Media And Its Effect On Children1668 Words  | 7 Pages One of the biggest change in social environments today is the advance and increase usage of mass media. The mass media parent the children of today. Consequently, radio, video games, television, movies, videos, phones, and social networks play a significant role in their upbringing. For, they assist in influencing a child’s values, beliefs, and behaviors. Children rather unconsciously heed and imitate the imag es exhibited, for example, in television, they learn the appropriate way to comport and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stephen Cranes A Mystery of Heroism Essay - 1325 Words
Stephen Cranes A Mystery of Heroism Stephen Crane, an avant-garde writer of his time, forced his readers to look beyond his written words for a more underlined, meaningful moral in most of his stories. Crane follows a strict pattern in most of his work. His subject matter usually deals with the physical, emotional, and intellectual responses of ordinary people confronted by extraordinary, extreme experiences. Fairly common themes are presented in his writing, including fallen humanity and harsh realities; yet all seem to overlap in the category of heroism. Crane, fascinated by the status of a hero, seemed to moralize each story he wrote with a sense of hope. Readers get the impression that you do not have to be super-human to†¦show more content†¦When at home his mother had aroused him for the early labor of his life on the farm, it had often been his fashion to be irritable, childish, diabolical, and his mother died since he had come to war. On Collins’ return to his regiment, he happens across a dying man in need of a drink. In a hopeless act of kindness, Fred lets the wounded soldier drink from his bucket as he passes. Yet this scene is but a small paragraph in the story, it completes the moral and emphasizes Crane’s goal of the narrative. Although Fred Collins is but a simple man not free from flaws, he uncovers the mystery of heroism. He is not a hero because he put a title upon himself, or because he denied death the satisfaction. He is a hero in the sense that he did a good thing without trying for that hero title. Yet he might not know it, he was a hero for that one moment in the eyes of the wounded soldier. Crane also shows heroism works in very mysterious ways. In another of Crane’s shorts, The Bride Comes To Yellow Sky, the character of Jack Potter is put to the task of proving his heroism as sheriff of his town. As the story opens, the reader is introduced to Jack as a subtle, quiet man. He is on his way to Yellow Sky, Texas riding in a parlor-car with his new wife. Crane purposely does not clue the reader in as to the trueShow MoreRelatedIrony and Sarcasm in A Mystery of Heroism and War is Kind Essay examples947 Words  | 4 PagesIrony and Sarcasm in A Mystery of Heroism and War is Kind In literature, similar themes are portrayed in many different ways, mostly according to the time period they were written in. A new generation of writers came of age after the civil war, known as the realists. They dominated American fiction from the late nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth. They took their ideas from the slums of the rapidly growing cities at that time, from the factories replacing farmland, and fromRead MoreBlood on a Battlefield in A Mystery of Heroism by Stephen Crane570 Words  | 2 Pagesand death. In Stephen Crane’s â€Å"A Mystery of Heroism†and Ambrose Bierce’s â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge,†we witness the harsh reality of the war and the common human reaction to the havoc. Fred Collins simply wants water, but the well is on the other side of the battlefield. Peyton Farquhar, a loyal civilian to the South, just wanted to help in the war but instead was hanged for his good-intentioned attempt to destroy the bridge to help the Confederates. Ambrose Bierce and Stephen Crane wroteRead MoreAnalysis Of Stephen Crane s A Mystery Of Heroism Essay875 Words  | 4 Pagesin Stephen Crane. When a conflict between two powers reaches its peak, the war becomes inevitable. This usually leads to the change in roles among men and women. Men turn into soldiers and women turn into field nurses. . Living under critical conditions, one could die easily just by walking out the street or starving to death due to uncontrollable hysteria. In such situations, one could truly reveal his personality by either saving themselves or other individuals. .For that reason, Stephen Crane’sRead MoreEssay on A Brief Biography on Stephen Crane1345 Words  | 6 PagesStephen Crane was one of America’s most influential nineteenth century writers of realism. He was credited for being a novelist, short-story-writer, poet, and journalist. He was born on November 1, 1871, in Newark, New Jersey, as Stephen Townley Crane. Stephen was the youngest sibling of fourteen children (â€Å"Stephen Crane Biography†). His writing inspiration came from his family. His mother dedicated he r life to social concerns, while his father was a Methodist minister. Two of Crane’s brothersRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pageswhat the characters do or say as the plot unfolds (as, for example, in Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†). Conflict, then, is the basic opposition, or tension, that sets the plot in motion; it engages the reader, builds the suspense or mystery of the work, and arouses expectation for the vents that are to follow. The plot of the traditional short story is often conceived of as moving through five distinct sections or stages, which can be diagrammed roughly as follows: 3. Crisis
The New Left A Movement of Change Free Essays
Jordan Hunter The New Left: A Movement of Change Some people have characterized the New Left as an era of youth revolts and radical movements. However, the New Left was a combination of everything that took place through the 1950’s to the mid 1970’s. It was an age that consisted of women and gays questioning their roles and rights in society to African Americans fighting to gain equal rights and ban segregation. We will write a custom essay sample on The New Left: A Movement of Change or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many people in the world today and back then would argue that there is no such thing as the New Left, but how could you not recognize something that changed history and the way the world viewed citizenship, equality, and human rights? I definitely believe that the New Left Movement existed and that all the people and organizations that Gosse categorized with this movement belong there. One of the major radical movements in the beginning of the New Left was African American’s fight to gain all the ideologies America said they were about.In the Declaration of Independence it is stated that all people are â€Å"created equal†and have â€Å"inalienable rights†, so many people, especially of other races, questioned why they were not as equal as whites in society. African Americans were made to be completely separated from whites by society and the laws it had put in place by using public facilities, schools, businesses, and even transportation to make this happen. As the separation progressed many movements and protests began to arise in order to put an end to the discrimination and achieve equality.The Montgomery Bus Boycott was one of the many protests that took place during this radical movement. In this document Rosa Parks gives her account of how she refused to give up her seat on a bus for a white man and was arrested because of it. Refusing to give up her seat was just one of the small movements Parks did in order to show the world how unequal America had become, even over a simple seat on a bus. This movement also gave African Americans the attitude of â€Å"Well, let’s fight it out-if it means going to jail then go to jail (4). As this attitude began to spread across the country, so did the rise of many important African American leaders. Perhaps, the most well known of these was Martin Luther King Jr. MLK was about gaining equality and human rights for African Americans, but doing so in a peaceful way; that’s why so many people admired him and what he preached. He led many campaigns throughout much of the 1960’s which began to slowly gain results. One of the major things MLK and his followers were campaigning for was a civil rights bill to be passed.Many walks, rallies, and protests were held in order to get then president, John F. Kennedy, to propose the bill and have it pass. In the year of 1963 in Birmingham, Alabama the climax of the civil rights campaign was reached, forcing JFK to commit to proposing a civil rights bill. However, because of how big and radical this campaign was, MLK was arrested and made to spend the night in a Birmingham jail. There he wrote a letter in response to an advertisement from white clergy asking him to shut down the campaign.In the letter, MLK explains why African Americans were campaigning for this and that they wouldn’t stop until they achieved what they had been working so diligently for (13). As a result of the campaign in Birmingham and the letter MLK had written, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. The act banned public and private discrimination against African Americans and any other racial, ethnic or minority group. It also banned excluding someone from a job or a public accommodation because of the way they looked or where they were from and worshiped.This act changed many things for African Americans and other minorities’ lives, especially when it came to utilizing good jobs (16). Another major radical movement of the New Left was women’s fight to gain the same rights as men had in society. Many women had become fed up with the idea that their only place in life was to cook and clean and only worry about things like her looks and status in society. Most women in America were well educated and held very important jobs, granted they were in a man’s organization. One of women’s first steps to call attention to the growing movement was the publication of Betty Friedan’s book The Feminine Mystique. In Friedan’s book she discusses how society has given a step by step guide on how a woman should act, dress, and live her everyday life. She explores how womanhood has lost focus of the equality so many women had devoted their lives to achieving and why women couldn’t recognize that they weren’t being given the same fairness in choosing their lives as men were (12). After the publication of The Feminine Mystique many women soon began to question their roles in society.In the year of 1964, two women, Casey Hayden and Mary King, started a collection of women’s thoughts on being excluded from any role of power other than running a household and catering to their families needs. The spread of women’s thoughts and arguments on every aspect of the growing debate soon began to spark the birth of many womenâ⠂¬â„¢s rights groups (21). One of the most well known women’s rights groups was the National Organization for Women, otherwise known as NOW. NOW’s goal was to call attention to the fact that so many women had been living a dependent lifestyle for the past generation.They focused on how women could hold jobs on their own, provide for themselves, and have a choice in their sexuality, marriage, and reproduction. Women were beginning to understand that they were going to have to take matters into their own hands and fight for equality since â€Å"there is no civil rights movement to speak for women, as there has been for Negroes and other victims of discrimination. The National Organization for Women must therefore begin to speak†¦(23). †The growing debate over sexuality was also becoming a major radical movement during the New Left.Many people were beginning to discover their true nature, but were too afraid to let the public become aware of it for the fear of being excluded from society. However, in 1950 a man by the name of Harry Hay and other members created a â€Å" homophile†group called the Mattachine Society that concentrated on giving gays confidence in coming out and still being an important part of society. Their goal was to unify, educate, and lead people of the gay community and those who were heterosexual and did not fully understand the reason for the â€Å"homophile†group (1).As the growing rate of gays grew, so did their desire to participate in politics and have a powerful role in helping with the movement. America wasn’t fully comfortable with this want, because they had the idea that gays were not fully capable of doing the same job as a heterosexual person involved in politics. Many others didn’t want to see a civil rights act be passed for gays because they believed they should be kept separate from society simply because they were different.Due to this growing attitude of American citizens, the GAA, Gay Activists Alliance, was created that made gays a force in liberal politics nationwide. The group was open to anyone, gay or heterosexual, and focused on the liberation of gay rights (38). The road to gaining equality for gays was very long and took a gr eat deal of time to achieve. Martha Shelly’s speech at the Women’s Strike for Equality rally was a major stepping stone that achieved the rights that gays had been fighting so long for.At the rally, Shelly talks about how one should not be afraid to come out because it may make heterosexuals feel uncomfortable. Shelly urges all gays to be comfortable in their own skin and be proud of who they are; and for all heterosexuals to wake up and realize that gays do exist and that they should just accept that they do (35). Although I have argued that majority of the groups that were considered to be a part of the New Left definitely do have a right to be recognized as part of the movement, there are some that I do believe have no purpose of defining the New Left.During this movement, so many groups expressed their desire for fighting for equality and freedom, but doing so in a non violent matter. One example of a group that did not act in a non violent manner that helps prove my argument was the student p rotestors at Kent State University in Ohio (41). This group of students were protesting the Vietnam war, but ended up bombing the ROTC building because it had to do with the army and their goal was to do away with the Vietnam War and anything that had to do with it. However, the bombing only created more violence which went completely against what America was against. Another group that went completely against what the New Left was about was the creation of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (22). The purpose of this party was to carry around weapons and roam the streets in groups to appear violent in hopes that it would scare the white society and politics into giving them the equality they were seeking.Malcolm X was a strong advocator for this party and for promoting the attitude that all â€Å"true revolutions are violent (15). †All of this violence was completely opposite of the way MLK and other African American activist groups had been protesting and fighting. Other groups of people that believed violence was the answer to getting what they wanted had no place in being part of the New Left simply because the New Left was all about seeking change in non violent ways and never having to resort to that manner to get what everyon e was wanting, equality and freedom.The new Left was made up of several different types of groups, people, leaders, protests, rallies, and movements; but they all had one thing in common, which was the want and need of equality and human rights. The New Left was all about seeking change and I believe that everyone and everything that did belong as part of the New Left achieved just that in memorable and just ways. How to cite The New Left: A Movement of Change, Papers
Guggenheim Museum Publications System †
Question: Discuss about the Guggenheim Museum Publications System. Answer: Introduction: Resale price maintenance refers to an agreement between manufacturer and retailer on the minimum price the retailer should not charge below. This means the prices for products are determined by the manufacturer, and the retailers do not have permission to sell manufacturers product below the set price (Brinson, 2012). Minimum advertised price is the lowest price which the retailer can advertise manufacturers product. Retailers who enter an agreement on the minimum advertised and selling price with the manufacturer should be able to maintain the agreement throughout their business operations. Hugo boss has the right to specify the price below which the retailers should not sell the clothes. The agreement between Hugo boss and the retailers when entered becomes binding .the retailers will have to follow the agreement strictly because they would face the consequences if they fail (Brinson, 2012). Since Hugo boss has the market power, he can decide on minimum advertised and resale prices while giving the retailers incentive in order to maintain the agreement as well as prevent new entrants from the market. The manufacturer and the retailers can come to an agreement on resale price (Dailey, Franzen and Schaefer, 2002). This will prevent stiff competition from the producers and distributors and minimize price wars among retailers. When the retailers do sale the clothes below the resale prices set by the manufacturer, it can lead to termination of contracts. Therefore, the manufacturer may end up not supplying the retailers with the suits. The agreement on prices reduces problems that can arise between manufacturers and retailers. Conflict of interest that may lead to retailers reducing the prices for the suits in the event of increasing sales and attracting more customers is avoided. This can be in the form of reducing prices for the suits in order to counteract other retailers prices and take customers from the retailers with higher prices for the suits. The brand image of the suits is maintained when retailers do not sell them cheaper. The cost incurred on display of the products in the shops should be a burden of the retailer and not the manufacturer or the buyer. Also, the cost of advertising should not be below the agreed cost with the manufacturer. The customers should get to know that the particular brand of suits cannot be acquired at any lower prices (The Hugo Boss Prize 2000, 2000). All the retailers should maintain the advertisements at an agreed range of prices. In this case, to survive as well as thrive i n the industry, Hugo boss needs to ensure that the retailers are respecting the agreement by constantly monitoring the retailers performance. This eventually reduces brand and price competition among competing manufacturers. There will be few competing products with the suits since minimum price required will make the product expensive and of a high quality. The specific retailers will have exclusive right to sell the suits. The price agreement is beneficial to the manufacturer since it leads to better contracts and expands territory to carry out their businesses. More retailers will want to work with the manufacturer as there will be an increased demand for the product. The agreement can be protective of the brand of the manufacturer and provides the retailers with exceptional promotion strategies such as advertising (The Hugo Boss Prize 2006, 2006). The agreement will enable the distributor to recover the cost incurred in promotional activities. The promotional costs are recovered from the sales, meaning the customer bears the cost of advertising. By setting the minimum prices for advertising, Hugo boss will protect the value of the suits as well as protect retailers from fierce competition amongst themselves. Retailers will not lower or raise the prices as they wish in case they want to increase sales of the suits. Retailers can compete well at the same time increasing sales of the suits. If the retailers enter the agreement with Hugo manufacturer, they should abide by the rules. The agreement can be written or verbal hence binding. It can be a form of policy by the manufacturer. All the retailers have the responsibility to agree or disagree on the manufacturers demand. In the event that the retailers violate the conditions, the manufacturer can stop working with the retailers or take legal action on the retailers. Whereas retailers need to make more profits, they should find ways that they can attract more customers without going against the agreement. The retailers can provide shipping services to the customers as a way of creating customer loyalty so that they do not affect the prices of the products. Online retailers should display the suits with prices in line with the minimum required prices by the manufacturer. This will allow customers to compare prices for different retailers and same products before making purchase (The Hugo Boss Prize 2006, 2006) s. This gives businesses that are small and new to the market fair competition with those that are big and established. Hugo manufacturers should be able to deal with retailers who will not follow the agreement on minimum price and advertising prices. This is because when retailers do not follow the minimum requirements, they end up damaging the value of the product. Those who will sell and advertise below the minimum required price will portray the suits as cheaper and of low quality. Reduced sales of suits will be as result of retailers selling below the minimum price. This is because customers will not buy the suits from those retailers who are conforming to the set minimum price since they can get the same suits in the unauthorized retailers with less money. Those retailers who will not follow the minimum requirement for prices may sale the suits below the prices set and attract customers than other retailers. Sales will be reduced in the end. Hence the retailers who adhere to the agreement get low profits. The minimum price agreement is beneficial to the retailers. It leads to more profits for the retailers. This is because it reduces price wars between retailers (The Hugo Boss Prize 2006, 2006). Those retailers who buy in small quantity are supported from being crushed by big retailers that order in large quantity. It leads to a good relationship between manufacturers and retailers. Retailers who advertise manufacturers products and also those who have good customer relations product get rewarded (The Hugo Boss Prize 2008, 2008). The agreement saves on customers time in that they will not move around comparing prices since they are aware that it is the same everywhere for the same products. References Brinson, K. (2012).The Hugo Boss Prize, 2012. New York: Guggenheim Museum Publ. Brinson, K. (2012).The Hugo Boss Prize, 2012. New York: Guggenheim Museum Publ. Dailey, M., Franzen, E., and Schaefer, C. (2002).The Hugo Boss prize 2002 : Francis Aly?s, Olafur Eliasson, Hachiya Kazuhiko, Pierre Huyghe, Koo Jeong-a, Anri Sala. New York, NY: Guggenheim Museum Publications. The Hugo Boss Prize 2000. (2000). New York: Guggenheim Museum Publications. The Hugo Boss Prize 2006. (2006). Ostfildern/Ruit: Hatje Cantz. The Hugo Boss Prize 2008. (2008). New York: Guggenheim Museum Pub.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Professional Ethics in Information Systems for Professional
Question: Discuss about theProfessional Ethics in Information Systems for Professional. Answer: Information System is a zone of programming sketching out which is being made rapidly. There are many books and films made with respect to information structure and distinctive hypotheses have progressed. In like manner it has specific incredible expert and social issues and concerns. Thus information structure is associated with respect to Social, Professional and Ethical Issues in Information Systems branch of learning. Information System is a monstrous zone including contrasting incredible issues (Friedman et al. 2013). These ethical issues can be sorted into three Information System sorts. Those are robot ethics, machine ethics and other awesome outcomes. The ethical issues which are the branch of the robot ethics class blend robot rights, risks to security and perils to human pride. The ethical issue under the robot ethics strategy wires the care for the affirmation. If a made sharp program exist that can grasp talk and after that with acceptable overseeing power it could tune into each phone exchange and read every Information System on the planet, handle and report on the reverse to the program's heads absolutely what is Information System and conclusively who is imparting it. An information structure changed of this nature may perhaps empower the governments or specific substances to reasonably cover disagreement and strike their foes (Sampson and Makela 2014). Extra information structure information system perception structures which are suitable for checking the activities of human using the cameras, for instance, instruments used for screening the progression and robots used for supervising senior subjects might make a threat to the certification of human. Other remarkable issues which are under the depiction of robotic ethics join the peril to the respectability of the humans. Information System must not be used to supplant populace in the positions that requires care and respect, for instance, customer advantage manager, teacher, and keep up Information System for the old-age people, judge and cop as combat by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1967. However given the most recent change in this commerce one can battle that later on the above purposes behind living will in like way is given to robots. The pro issues which require thought as to Information System join that there are no affiliation laws and controls per Information Systems. Beside the above discussed mechanical laws put sent by Asimov and the prospering necessities as indicated by exhaustive International Organizations for Standardization (ISO) there are no affiliation laws and controls particular to Information System. Nonappearance of relationship of the ground may actuate moreover bothers and non-compliances. Engage other expert issues join nonappearance of care by the general open concerning this field. In these way broad masses does not have each one of the stores of being stressed with the improvements in the Information System field (Stair and Reynolds 2015). As to new creative introductions this nonattendance of care will change into an issue. General masses will feel scared to fit in with the latest information structure mechanical things as a result of the same. Beginning now and into the not so distant this prompts an issue added to this information structure calling. Another issue related with the information structure calling is that mechanical sorts of progress especially Information System inventive improvements will be done at the cost of human ingenuity. In context of the sorts of progress ordinary activities would be basic and ought to be conceivable through using robots. Thusly people won't use their inventiveness to grow new things and sorts of advance (Stair and Reynolds 2013). Along these lines it is crucial that there is a fine change in mechanical improvement between over confirmation and loss of development and creative limit. Distinctive pro and extraordinary issues and examinations joined to the Information System branch of learning have been discussed as of now. It is in like path basic to consider social issues and suggestion exist in this field. References Friedman, B., Kahn Jr, P.H., Borning, A. and Huldtgren, A., 2013. Value sensitive design and information systems. InEarly engagement and new technologies: Opening up the laboratory(pp. 55-95). Springer Netherlands. Sampson Jr, J.P. and Makela, J.P., 2014. Ethical issues associated with information and communication technology in counseling and guidance.International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance,14(1), pp.135-148. Stair, R. and Reynolds, G., 2013.Principles of information systems. Cengage Learning. Stair, R. and Reynolds, G., 2015.Fundamentals of information systems. Cengage Learning.
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