Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Lack Of Mental Health Care - 2238 Words
In my lifetime, I have encountered many people who could have benefited with a greater availability of mental health care. By the time they were in high school, a lot of my friends had either PTSD, depression, anxiety, and the list goes on. Most of them could not afford to receive help, and a lot of them have attempted to take their lives away. Sure, there were school counselors, but their main focus is student’s schedules, not their student’s mental health. They were told that they have access to help, but the people that were there to help were unavailable. I believe if they were able to receive proper health care, they probably wouldn’t have had even attempted suicide, or harm their beautiful bodies. Thousands of people end up in the emergency room each year for some kind of injury that can be traced back to the individual’s mental health. These people are told that they should get help if it is a big problem in their life, but where should they turn? M ost health care plans do not offer mental health care because mental health is not considered to be essential. What is, or is not essential is relative to the person who has health care. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and today, more, and more people are seeing the importance of mental health, and many more today are seeking the help that they need. Access to mental health care within the recent years have risen. Yet people looking for mental health care are not able to always find help. ManyShow MoreRelated The United States’ Lack of Mental Health Care1598 Words  | 7 Pagesgives the mentally ill care equal to what the United States gives the physically ill. Even though research has advanced immensely in the understanding of sanity vs. insanity, the United States needs to do more for those who are mentally ill through diagnosis and aid. â€Å"Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions  disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior†(Mayo Clinic). Mental disorders can happen many times through one’s life, but mental illness is classifiedRead MoreMental Health Awareness And Improvement Act Of 2015972 Words  | 4 PagesMental Health is a state of social, emotional and psychological well-being. Mental health affects every part of our life and determines our ability to function, handle stress and make decisions. Throughout life, we have good and bad experiences which affect how we handle situations. The Mental Health Awareness and Improvement Act of 2015 was passed on September 30, 2015. 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In fact, approximately 20% of individuals are left without necessary treatment for their mental health disorder (â€Å"Mental Health†Read MoreLack Of Treatment For Mental Illness1523 Words  | 7 Pages Problem Statement: The World Health Association defines ‘good’ health as: â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.†However, in the United States, access to care and funding for mental health care are grossly neglected and underfunded in comparison to other aspects of health care. At the individual level, lack of proper treatment for poor mental health and mental illness has a detrimental effect. At a population level, societyRead MoreThere Are Multiple Barriers That Prevent Recent Immigrants1543 Words  | 7 Pagesrecent immigrants to Canada from accessing mental health services including culture, stigma, and affordability. One of the barriers that prevents immigrants from seeking mental health services is language proficiency (Ohtani, Suzuki, Takeuchi, Ochida, 2015). Language barriers and their implications on mental health care will be reviewed. Brisset et al. (2013) highlights the importance of dialogue between the health care practitioner and the client receiving care. This inhibits the practitioner’s abilityRead MoreMental Health Care Disparities Among Minority Populations1434 Words  | 6 PagesMental Health Care Disparities in Minority Populations Erin Bertelson Denver School of Nursing Mental Health Care Disparities in Minority Populations Across the country, a steady increase has been noted in the number of patients presenting to emergency departments for psychiatric complaints (Zun, 2014). Patients also attempt to use their primary care doctors to treat their mental illnesses. The mental health care options for these patients are extremely limited, especially for minorityRead MoreAccess Of Mental Health Care1105 Words  | 5 PagesAccess to Mental Health Care Headlines worldwide will read of another School Shooting because of a mentally ill person before long. Extra security and drills have placed a Band-Aid on the problem, but this kind of wound needs to be fixed at its source. Access to mental health care is seriously lacking in this country and it is because of the stigma that surrounds mental illnesses which causes people to stray away from treatment. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Geography Pedestrian Survey Free Essays
For this survey, the whole class worked as a group. We started by being given a grided map of Halifax’s Central Business District and a small area surrounding it. Our teacher kept a copy of this as the master map. We will write a custom essay sample on Geography Pedestrian Survey or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each square on the map could be identified like the one below. This made identification of points easy. On this map there were (number) points marked by dots (see above) in the Central Business District and beyond. These were then grouped together into groups of approximately seven. The class was then split into pairs, and each pair was then allocated one of the groups of dots. The reason for working in pairs is so that one person could time and one could count the people passing. It was also for safety reasons. Before we started the count, we worked out some rules or guidelines for the whole class to follow. These were to * To count all people that passed, including babies in prams. * To not count pets/ animals * To count everyone on ONE side of the road only, except in precinct locations where everyone in the precinct was counted. A time limit of 5 minutes per point was decided. Each pair then went to their separate points to start counting/ timing. My pair had 6 points to count, so for 3 points person A timed and person B counted, and for the other 3 points, person A counted and B timed. The timer was started at the same time as the other half of the pair began counting. Every person was recorded as a tally on a table like the one below. Each point was named as the grid reference of the square it was in. After 5 minutes the timer was stopped, and the tally totalled. This was repeated for all 6 points. After they had all been done, we reported back and recorded our results on the master map along with the rest of the groups’ results. We were all given a copy of this map so we had records for all the points surveyed. We used a tally to count al the pedestrians as it is easy to put a dash for every person and the results could be totalled quickly. This was especially useful in busy locations, where large groups of people were passing at once. We set the time limit because then the whole groups’ results would be done over that amount of time. The time limit was set as 5 minutes because this would give us a reasonable time to count for, and the results would not be too high or too low. Problems/ Anomalies Our particular pair did not encounter many problems, but many of the other groups did. The only problem we had that could have affected the results was that the point nearest the bus station could have been affected by buses coming in and out. At the time we counted there weren’t many buses, so the tally could have been higher at a different time of day. Here is a list of the problems encountered, as well as some other things that could have affected the survey in any way, and how I overcame them. * The weather, day of the week, date and time were recorded because any of these may have affected the survey. For example, the weather could affect the survey as if it was dry then there would be people outside than if it were raining. The day of the week could affect the survey because there would be a different number of people in town on weekdays than at weekends. The date was important, as there may be more people who would come into town at certain times of the year, for example at Christmas or at holiday seasons. The time of day could affect numbers of people if it was half day for example. Also the closing and opening times of shops must be taken into consideration. * In Halifax’s Central Business District there are changes being made, and new buildings being built which occasionally meant that all pedestrians had to walk on one side of the road. This would have affected the results. * A very similar problem was that where roads were being resurfaced or dug up, pedestrians also had to walk around these, creating a disruption in pedestrian flow. * One pair found that they were standing outside the entrance to an office at lunch- time, so large groups of workers created an unusually high pedestrian density. This was because the survey was conducted around lunch- time. If it had been carried out at a different time of day then this would not have been a problem. * There were often a lot of people on streets that were important routes (to the bus station for example) this could mean that high pedestrian densities were found in areas where the other predictions of Central Business District properties weren’t necessarily true. For example there may be poor shopping quality and a high pedestrian count if the road led to the Station. In this aspect the survey is flawed, but not many surveys are perfect. As so many points were done, one or two anomalies shouldn’t matter too much. * The master map that was used to share out the points and on which all our results were recorded hadn’t been photocopied very well. This meant that four points were presumed to be marks on the map and weren’t given to anyone to survey. These were F5, F7, F8 and F10. No results were got for these points, but a reasonable estimate can be made using the results form previous surveys carried out at similar times on the same day of the week by another class. I also looked at the points in neighbouring grid squares to try and make a reasonable estimate. When these were compared with the results from the other group, they were found to be very similar. Anomalies * At F5, there were 147 pedestrians counted. This is a very high number for an area not really close to the centre of Halifax’s Central Business District, or an area without department stores. This could have been because it is near Netto’s and a busy newsagents and crossroads. Other Possible Problems * Groups of school children or any other unusually large groups of people in quiet areas could be a problem. * If a pair were counting outside the theatre and a film had just finished or was just starting, then more people would be around and also on the streets leading to it, especially if it was a new or popular film. * Large sales at big shops (e.g. the ‘Next’ sale) often draw large crowds, and people will often queue to get in. This would also create pedestrian anomalies. Was The Survey Successful? These problems prove that the survey was not flawless but the results I got will give me an idea of pedestrian density in Halifax and where the busiest and most quiet areas are. I have covered everywhere in Halifax, but I don’t feel that this would be very reasonable. There are gaps in the survey, but it would take a very long time and a lot of people to do a more accurate survey, and I don’t think that the results I have would be further improved to make this worthwhile. I have enough data to be able to display in different ways and investigate further. In the next chapter I will start to evaluate these results and look for patterns and relationships. How Could the Survey Be Improved? The survey could have been improved by any of the following methods- * Counting at more points to get a more accurate result. * Repeating the survey at different times on different days, or at the same time on the same day a week later and comparing the results. If this was done, a more accurate picture could be seen, and anomalies more easily spotted. Land Use Survey To carry out this survey, I got a map of Halifax that was on a large enough scale to have every building in it’s Central Business District on it. I then thought of all the possible land uses of the buildings in the Central Business District and put them into groups of similar uses e.g. chain stores/ department stores. I then assigned a letter and colour to each of these groups. I gave each group a letter because this could be written onto the map when I was in Halifax and was easier than taking a lot of coloured pencils. I gave each a colour so that I could colour each shop when I got home to make the results clearer. I then went into Halifax to carry out the survey. To carry out this survey I took the map of Halifax ‘s Central Business District, the key and a pencil to mark the letter on each building. I started in one corner of Halifax and walked along every street, marking the buildings as I went. To do the whole of Halifax would have been unreasonable, so I decided to mark groups of similar buildings, even if there may have been the odd one which wasn’t in that category. I also went into the Tourist Information to find some more maps and information on Halifax. These helped me fill in any buildings that I had missed. Problems Here is a list of some of the problems that I encountered whilst carrying out the survey. * Some buildings had more than one use on different floors. In this case I recorded the most important use. In cases such as the Piece Hall, they were both classed as one type of shop, because most of the shops there are selling craft item or food. * The main problem I had was that Halifax is undergoing a lot of changes at the moment and a new set of shops was under construction in Woolshops. As the changes are very recent, none of the maps that I have show the new shops, and I had to either draw them in or colour the area as ‘under- construction’. By the time I have finished this project, the shops are likely to be finished, so it is possible that I can update the results then. * Some of the shops were so small that I couldn’t fit a letter on them. To overcome this problem, I grouped shops of similar types. Possible Problems * If the town had been any bigger, then survey would have been much more difficult to do, as it would take hours to do every single shop. Was the Survey Successful? I think that the methods I used worked well and using a map and finishing the survey at home saved time. As the point of the survey is to get a general pattern of where the different types of land use that occur in Halifax’s Central Business District, I don’t think that colouring every single building would have been necessary. Colouring in blocks of similar shops saved time, and though some areas may not have been strictly accurate, the general pattern will not be affected. The survey will help show patterns and groups of similar shops as well as where the main shopping areas are, and where the main business areas are. It should also be related to the Peak Land Value Intersection, but I will investigate this in the next chapter. How Could the Survey Be Improved? The survey could have been improved by any of the following measures- * I could have looked at every single shop- this would have been possible if lots of people did the survey together and put their results together. * A newer map would have created a more up-to-date result. * An even bigger scale map would let me write the names of the shops on, but this isn’t really necessary. Model Central Business District To start this survey, I firstly formulated some question to compare Halifax to a model Central Business District. I then got a map of Halifax and worked out where its centre was (See finding the centre of Halifax’s Central Business District) and then used a compass to draw concentric circles moving outwards from the centre of Halifax. I drew 6 circles at equal intervals to represent the zones of Halifax’s Central Business District and took this map into Halifax. Once in Halifax, I walked through each of the zones and answered the questions while I was there. I also used a map if I was unsure of any of the answers and this helped me when I was back at home. Every question was either a yes or no answer, so most of the time this wasn’t a problem. I started in the innermost zone and answered all the questions while I was there, before moving outwards and answering all the questions for the next zone and so on until I had covered most of the areas on my map. Problems There were some problems that I encountered whilst doing this survey. These were- * It was often quite difficult to tell exactly where the zones started and finished, and some zones included a lot of road and some didn’t contain any. * Some questions, like the one about building height, are affected by the fact that Halifax’s Central Business District buildings are protected. This is because they are of historical value and may mean that they aren’t very tall. This would not normally be the case in a Central Business District. * Parking is actually allowed in Halifax’s Central Business District but a lot of it is voucher parking. * Some questions were hard to answer; like ‘Wide range of shops?’ and ‘high pedestrian counts?’ because it was hard to tell where to put the boundaries between high and low pedestrian counts or high and low range of shops. * There are new shops being built at the moment, and it is likely that these will have a high shopping quality, but I can’t be sure unless I see them. * It was hard to define the centre of Halifax in the first place, so if it were moved, I would possibly get very different results. * The zones were hard to define in the first place- I was unsure whether to have them as circles, or try to define them by looking at the properties of the different areas and drawing on zones to suit them. Was the Survey Successful? I think that the survey was successful and that using a questionnaire was a good idea. It gave me enough information to be able to make a reasonable comparison in the next chapter. The zones are very hard to define, but I chose to put them at regular intervals, leading out from the centre of the Central Business District. The survey will also help me find patterns, like the land- use survey, and give me a good all round view of the properties of Halifax’s Central Business District. In the next chapter I will compare them to the properties of a model Central Business District and see how they relate to each other. How Could the Survey be Improved? The survey could possibly be improved by carrying out a more in-depth study of the position of the centre of the Central Business District. This would ensure that I got the positioning exactly right and zoning correct. This is the only way that I can think of to improve the survey. How to cite Geography Pedestrian Survey, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Mass General Case free essay sample
1 . The primary challenges in improving operating processes in a health care environment, particularly Mass General Hospital, include maintaining quality care, finding ways to reduce costs without compromising patient services, maintaining quality of conformance, and creating an environment where all departments are working in conjunction of one another. Improving operating processes in a healthcare environment is an important objective and one which can bring many challenges. Hospitals need to assurance their patients that their care is the top riority and corners are not being cut in an effort to reduce costs. The challenge arises when finding ways to maintain the standard but reduce costs. Another challenge, once a process has been established, is making sure this product/service is being delivered according to the design specifications. This may be because of difficulties with inter-department communications, resistance to change, or support from employees. Without every stakeholder on the same page, improving an operating process is a challenge. We will write a custom essay sample on Mass General Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. In the case of Mass General Hospital, a care path can be described as an pplication of process management with optimal sequencing and timing of interventions by physicians, nurses, and other staff involved in a particular procedure. Its design is meant to minimize delays in processes and manage the quality with regards to standardizations of care processes. It is also used to minimize the variance from procedure to procedure and improve the outcomes of surgeries. Specific features that it provides is the ability to manage costs, create more efficient processes, improve communication between departments and staff, provides a eliable service for patients, and creates on average a quicker cycle time. With the many features and improvements it does create, there are a few things that it does not do. It does not always apply to all procedures and all patients. Some patients require more attention than others which may make them fall off the path. Also, there are no guarantees that the care path will be successful. This needs to be tested and have the flexibility to adapt to changes as needed. 3. Some common causes of extended stay for CABG patients at Mass General Hospital nclude lack of staff in the intensive care unit, the number of medical tests needed on patients that day before the surgery, and limited availability of beds at the recovery level in Ellison 8. Other causes are method of payment, level of complications from the procedure, amount of therapy needed, and social issues such as a patient not having someone to help them once they leave the hospital. A lack of weekend admissions to rehab facilities may also lead to increased hospital stays. 4. The first step the team took to develop the care path, and maybe the most critical, as to create a cross functional team. They assembled a diverse team from multiple departments including a cardiologist, a surgeon, and anesthesiologist, various residents, staff members from the intensive care and recovery unit, and other members ot the hospital statt While not all members ot the team nad as big a role, it was important to obtain information and feedback from all as they did not want to alienate any single department. It was also essential to include numerous departments because the success of this process required complete cooperation and understanding from everyone involved. Once a team has been formed, they would display a flow diagram of the current CABG surgery process and generate a list of problem areas where improvement was needed. They would also examine records of past patients to see why they had stayed in the hospital for the amount of time they had and look for ways to decrease it in future patients. The next step was to host weekly meetings designed to educate all team members and discuss the need for improvement in CABG surgeries. From these discussions team members would be free to express their ideas and issues they may have with the development. After all members were educated on the direction the hospital wanted the care path to go in, they would form several sub groups to discuss progress until all agree on one plan. The most important aspect to the team was that they all participated and were involved in its creation. It was not a sole decision by one member, it was collective. 5. A hazard of standardizing the process too rigorously is that they run the risk of affecting the whole process of the hospital. The current process, even though it may be more expensive, works and provides a good service and product. There are no uarantees that the care path will provide a better service or even match the current one so to change the process you run the risk of harming an already successful product. In addition to the possibility of harming the hospital, they also run the risk of harming the employees due to strictness of the standardization process. This strictness could affect the moral of employees who feel like their opinion or ideas to do matter. Since everything is done by the book and to a constant standard, this leaves no room for innovation from employees. They may feel like they are not as mportant as they once were. Another hazard of a rigorous standardization process is that it could lead to a misdiagnosis of ailments. Since physicians are held to a strict schedule, they may not have time to run all the tests they need, or wanted to, which are needed to identify all complications of patients. If this happens, patients lose confidence in the hospital and over time the reputation may decline. 6. There are some risks or negative effects of allowing too much freedom to customize the operating process as overall costs of the hospital may actually ncrease. This may because they have too much freedom to upgrade facilities, equipment, and services that go beyond the initial scope of the care path. Too much treedom may also lead to a decrease in communications and collaboration between different departments. Since the hospital would not force physicians to use a care path, the ones who did believed it was a better way to treat patients. If they were given too much freedom to customize the process, it may alienate the others who do not use them and create tension between departments. They slowly break way from the hospitals core values of working together for a common purpose and begin to implement their own values. 7. For a patient to experience the optimal care provided by the hospital, they would need to go through all steps of the care path to achieve this. The care path is designed somewhat like a line process where when a patient is cleared by one station they move on to the next. If they were to skip a step, they would not receive full attention and may not get the quality of care they want. Similar to line processes of manufactured goods, if a product were to miss a stage, the final product would not atch the quality of design in which it intended to be. It would lack the quality of conformance as it would not follow design specifications. Patients who do not follow the care path may not receive proper care and may have a bad experience. Not following the path may lead to increased recovery times, increased costs, and delays at each stage of the care path. Not following the designed path would create backups before stages which would not only affect that patients experience, but potentially the experience of other patients as well.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Macro environment case of hilton Essay Example
Macro environment case of hilton Paper Today this program works in more than 3500 hotels, has 50 airline partners and gives an opportunity to its members to earn both miles or point for stay. The Honors has three levels of membership: gold, silver and black with different upgraded system of rewards. Also the members can use the rewards in golf, cruises, entertainment parks, car rentals, shopping and dining (www. Businesspeople. About. Com). 2. Price elasticity, demand and revenue Before starting to talk about price elasticity, demand, revenue and the elations between them, it is necessary to explain the definition of each of them. According to Boston (2014: presentation) price can be inelastic or elastic, so inelastic means that a 1 % change in the price of a good or service has less than 1 % change on the quantity of supply or demand. Logically, the elastic price means that price change of 1 % causes more than 1 % change in the quantity demanded or supplied. Basically, most of goods and services in the world are elastic as far as they are not unique and can be replaced by similar product with best price for the customer. To calculate the price elasticity of demand the next formula is using: percentage change in the quantity demanded divided by percentage change in the price. The demand from economic point of view is not a need or want of customers to buy a product or service, but they willingness and ability to do so, taking into account the price of the good. We will write a custom essay sample on Macro environment case of hilton specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Macro environment case of hilton specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Macro environment case of hilton specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If the consumers do not have enough money to purchase the product of service, no matter how much they need it they will not buy it. This is the core connection between price, its elasticity and demand (Hughes, 1986). The revenue of the company is all amount of money that organization has earned during the year (month, decade), which is calculated by multiplying the price per one unit to the number of goods were sold (homeowners. Com). As it can be noticed, the revenue has a direct link with price and demand, because the revenue depends from these two statements (sold units, increasing or decreasing price, demand, etc. . For example, Hilton has stable prices for the hotels (they are not increasing) and their revenue increased on 4. 4 % from 2012 to 2013 (see Graph 1) (www. Finance. Yahoo. Com). The reason can be in price elastic, simply because there a lot international hotel chains Argentina the same customers with better price, so Hilton can not increase the price per room. Graph 1 Hilton Worldwide Revenue 3. Macroeconomic theory for decision-making There are two main types of economic: macro- and microeconomic. Microeconomic studies individuals and businesses, their performance on the market and the influence of the government. However, the macroeconomic is about economic performance on market from national and global perspectives (www. Miff. Org). The number of macroeconomic theories has been increasing through the history of business existing, but there are two main questions in any of this theories: what, how and for whom the goods are produced and identifying the clinometers and social interest. So today we have such theories like classical economics, the developer of which was Adam Smith with a main idea of flexible prices ensure market equilibrium; Keynesian economics with an answer to the mass unemployment situation of the Great Depression Of 1 sass; another well-known theories are called IS-ELM Analysis, aggregate Analysis, monetarism and new classical economic. According to new classical economic theory the quantity demand influence on he price changing, generally speaking, higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. The company corporate team has to set the prices that provide the best revenue, taking into account the produced units of goods (www. Amasses. Com). Double Tree by Hilton also uses this economic theory for price and produced amount decision. The company forecasts to open optimum amount of 40 new properties worldwide, not more in order to avoid the extra supplying, and not less, according to the companys market research for the future demand and tourists streams in the chosen destinations.
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